• Concessionary Rate Authorised User scheme for the Civic Centre car park, Bromley 
  • Access controls to the St Blaise car park  
  • Essential Car User access to the Civic Centre car park, Bromley 


Does the money come out straight away if prebooking or does it come out on the date of the booking? 

Yes, the charge is taken immediately at the point of booking 


Can you cancel a pre booked space? If so, how does this affect payment? 

Yes, you can cancel prior to the entry date/time of the prebooked booking.  The entry time will be 6am on the date selected in this portal.  You are not able to cancel once the entry date is in the past.  If cancelled a full refund is credited to the purchasing card. If you do not cancel the booking before the date booked, you will not be able to cancel it and will not be able to obtain a refund. All bookings start at 6am so must be cancelled before this time, otherwise you will not be able to obtain a refund. 


Can you register after entering the car park AND book a session?

You can register at any time and booking for the “same day” is always available.  A booking made for the same day is still valid from 6am of that day so you can register and pay for a session while within the carpark. 


I cannot book a session after registering, the screen says no sessions available.

After registering, you need to LOG ON to make a booking. You will know you are logged on as on the right side at the top of the screen you will see “Welcome” and your name, e.g., “Welcome Greg”. 


I am an Essential Car User; do I need to register to park in the Civic Centre car park?

There is no need for Essential Car Users to register for the concessionary scheme. Essential Car Users should be using the St Blaise car park, however, if it is unavailable or full it is recommended that as a back-up Essential Car Users should apply for a free exemption for the Civic Centre Car Park by using the following link  Parking permits and visitors vouchers | Parking permits and visitors vouchers | London Borough of Bromley and setting up a permit account through the Bromley Permit portal. 


My ID Pass does not allow me through the barrier at St Blaise.

Only Essential Car Users and authorised Officers are permitted to use St Blaise, so you need to check that you are permitted firstly with HR. If you are permitted access, you should then contact Facilities to configure your ID pass. You are also referred to the above point. 

Please note that essential car users using the St Blaise car park need to tap their ID card for entry and tap again when exiting, even if the barrier raises automatically. If you do not tap when leaving, the system will not allow you entry again on your next visit as it will still class you as being parked in the car park from your previous visit.  

If you are not permitted to access St Blaise, then you should register for the concessionary rate to park in the Civic Centre car park. 


I have a medical condition which affects my mobility and I to park in the St Blaise car park as it is closer to my office.

You will need to contact Facilities direct to discuss such requirements, this is not a matter for Parking Services. 

If you have a Blue Badge you can apply for exemption in the Civic Centre car park. You will need to set up an account through the Bromley Permit Portal using the following link  Parking permits and visitors vouchers | Parking permits and visitors vouchers | London Borough of Bromley